Waste and Recycling Services Officer job in the UK

  • Full Time
  • United Kingdom
  • Posted 11 months ago
  • 10-20 GBP / Hour
  • Applications have closed


Waste and Recycling Services Officer job in the UK. Are you looking for a position as a Waste and Recycling Services Officer job in the UK? NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE UK offers GBP 10-20 hourly for the Waste and Recycling Services Officer position. A creative and self-driven individual is sought for the position of Waste and Recycling Services Officer on the Waste Services Team.

We are an Investors in People Silver award winner, so you know your training needs will be met expertly.
Please refer to the accompanying job description and employee specifications when preparing your application for this position.
Please call Karen Broderick at 01724 297640 if you need any clarification.

Job Title:

  • Waste and Recycling Services Officer

Salary for Waste and Recycling Services Officer job:

  • GBP 10-20 per hour

Job Responsibilities and Overview:

  • have a strong inclination to help the environment and offer suggestions that adhere to the Waste Hierarchy.
  • have an interest in contributing original concepts to the group, such as those related to the creation of promotional materials.
  • help people understand the importance of compliance and modifying their behavior, both at home and in business.

Application Deadline

  • October 30, 2023
Applying Criteria
  • To apply for this job position
  •  Please send your cover letter and resume through our online application method.
  • Applicants can apply directly by clicking on apply button.
  • Press the “Apply”

Follow the link https://www.mjobsnet.com/ to learn about other exciting job possibilities.

Place of Work
  • UK
Job Overview
Job Location