Warehouse (Omagh) job in the UK

  • Full Time
  • United Kingdom
  • Posted 1 year ago
  • 10-20 GBP / Hour
  • Applications have closed

Warehouse (Omagh) job in the UK. Are you searching position in a Warehouse (Omagh) job in the UK? BRITISH RED CROSS VOLUNTEERS offers GBP 10-20 hourly for the Warehouse (Omagh) position. To make the most of this volunteer opportunity in Omagh, you should live no more than 10 miles away. We value diversity and encourage you to be yourself while working with the Red Cross.

We want you to feel welcome here and confident in your ability to aid us in spreading goodwill. Health and Safety Proclamation To guarantee your safety, we tailor our efforts to you specifically. There’s a chance we’ll have you fill out a short risk questionnaire. We will also have a talk with you to go over any lingering regional constraints and figure out what kinds of adjustments you might require. Please email [volunteerrecruitment@redcross.org.uk] if you have any questions before applying.(url)

Job Title:

  • Warehouse (Omagh) job

Salary Warehouse (Omagh) job:

  • GBP 10-20 per hour

Job Responsibilities and Overview:

  • requested that all wheelchairs and other equipment be cleaned, maintained, and serviced.
  • Your assistance is needed in loading and unloading wheelchairs.
  • Make use of an electronic inventory management system.
  • Able to think on one’s feet and do routine maintenance and cleaning duties.
  • The ability to lift and transport wheelchairs requires physical fitness.
  • Competence in the use of computer technology.
  • Availability to work a set schedule each week is a must.
  • Instruction and orientation into the position in full.
  • Pre-approved, job-related travel expenses, such as those incurred by the employee when attending training.

Application Deadline

  • October 30, 2023
Applying Criteria
  • To apply for this job position
  •  Please send your cover letter and resume through our online application method.
  • Applicants can apply directly by clicking on apply button.
  • Press the “Apply”

Follow the link https://www.mjobsnet.com/ to learn about other exciting job possibilities.

Place of Work
  • UK
Job Overview
Job Location