Cleaning Assistant job in the UK

  • Full Time
  • United Kingdom
  • Posted 10 months ago
  • 10-15 GBP / Hour
  • Applications have closed


Cleaning Assistant job in the UK. Are you looking for a position as a Cleaning Assistant job in the UK? NORTH YORKSHIRE COUNCIL offers GBP 10-15 hourly for the Cleaning Assistant position. North Yorkshire County Council is a place where you could learn more than you expected about yourself through your employment there.

Job Title:

  • Cleaning Assistant

Salary Cleaning Assistant job:

  • GBP 10-15 per hour

Job Responsibilities and Overview:

  • Paid at or above the market rate
  • Superior Pension Program for Municipal Employees
  • A total of 28 days off per year, including Federal holidays.
  • Green car scheme, daycare vouchers, and the home technology discount program are just a few of
  • the perks that may be available to you. For a comprehensive list of perks, please visit our Total
  • Rewards page using the link at the bottom of this ad.

Application Deadline

  • November 30, 2023
Applying Criteria
  • To apply for this job position
  •  Please send your cover letter and resume through our online application method.
  • Applicants can apply directly by clicking on the apply button.
  • Press the “Apply”

Follow the link to learn about other exciting job possibilities.

Place of Work
  • UK
Job Overview
Job Location